First-Gen+ Center

Refugee Students

Education and Advocacy 

Refugee Resettlement Agencies in Northern Virginia 

Classes and Programs 

    • Computer classes 
    • Job readiness training 
    • Spanish literacy classes 
    • Food and nutrition classes 
    • Health screenings and presentations 


  • The Career Pathways Program: Assist participants in employment services program for refugees, SIVs, and approved asylees. Services include resume development, interviewing practice, case management. For more information, please visit the website or contact [email protected]. 
  • Upwardly Global: “Upwardly Global’s mission is to eliminate employment barriers for immigrant and refugee professionals and advance the inclusion of their skills into the U.S. economy.” 
  • Catholic Charities Migration and Refugee Services (MRS): Available for refugee and asylee living in Northern Virginia up to 5 years after arrival or asylum approval. Services includes resume building, computer and technical career training, interview preparations and more! Catholic Charities Migration and Refugee Services (MRS). For more information regarding any of these services, please contact Dilprasad Basnet by email at [email protected]or visit one of the offices listed on the website. 
  • Virginia Employment Commission (VEC): “The Virginia Employment Commission (VEC), a partner in the Virginia Workforce Network, is the public employment service established to assist employers in finding qualified workers and to assist workers in finding suitable jobs. There are no fees charged to the employer or applicant for services.” 


  • MAP Clinics: Provide medical services to uninsured residents regardless of citizenship status. For information and appointments, please visit the website. 
    • Phone Number: 703-993-5880 
  • FAMIS: Provide health insurance to children under 19 years-old and pregnant women who are uninsured and are not eligible for Medicaid. 
  • Neighborhood Health: Accepts most insurance plans including Medicaid and Medicare. Discounts are available for those who make less than 200% of the Federal Poverty Level and does not have health insurance  
  • Inova Cares Clinic for Families (ICCF): Provides medical services to those who are uninsured in Alexandria, Annandale, Manassas and Sterling. Also serve patients who qualify for Medicaid, FAMIS, or Inova’s Financial Assistance Program. For the clinic’s information, please view the flyer. 
  • Additional Medical Resources